JS and I went to Mudchute City Farm in London in June 2012, following the death of my childhood pet, Digger. While there, I noticed there were fleeces that had just come off the sheep in storage, and I sent them an email asking if they were available to the public. In short – they were!

I received my two fleeces, set about preparing them, and suddenly realized how much more there was to spinning. I asked for some advice on Twitter, and before I knew it had received a lot of information from my friends – and more excitingly, a contact! This wonderful, wonderful lady sold me my first spinning wheel.

I really enjoy spinning, and find it extremely therapeutic – fantastic when I need to simply switch off and do something lovely. I have fallen in love with fibre – of all types, colours, smells, cleanliness and state of readiness for spinning. I dabble with preparation of fleece myself, spinning pre-prepared fibre, and have also experimented with dying.

A lot has gone on with my spinning adventure, which has has really only just started – I’m really excited to be able to share it with you from the very beginning. I’m entirely self-taught and am sure that things will get better as time goes on (especially once I’ve been to a few spinner’s meetings!)
Posts on spinning can be found here.
Much love,
Corrie xx