I had work today. You know, work, at Hobbycraft? The job that I love? I learnt an important lesson today. Don’t be cocky, and bite off more yarn than you can chew. No, really.
I loaded up a cage in the warehouse today, happily aware that I had four hours to offload it into the yarn bays and that I would definitely have time to do all of it, definitely. I then headed upstairs to knitting, and started off-loading. Great.
Just so you know, the cage was piled higher than me in yarn. Literally.

Don’t bite off more yarn than you can chew
I thought I could chew a whole cage of yarn. I did, honestly. I was wrong. The bays that I was sorting had a few problems that I can’t discuss (I signed an NDA…) It was so confusing, and I eventually went to my manager and said “yo, Manager, can I fix this?” (I was a bit more polite than that).
The long and short of it was ‘yes, as long as you also offload your whole cage’. “Sure”, said I. “I can do that in an hour and a half.”
Boy was I wrong. I eventually left work at 18:05, an hour and five minutes later than I should have done. It was a bit of an eye-opener. I think I’m super-woman, but I’m just not. I did get it done, apart from some of the labelling, which required a little bit of magic that I just didn’t have available to me.
It’s the second time this week that I’ve had to admit that I’m not super-woman, and I hope I don’t start making a habit of it…the other occasion was to do with my pattern, and I’m proud of myself for that moment, even if I don’t like the outcome. All will be explained….!
What experiences have you had recently which have made you have to admit that you aren’t as fab as you’d like to believe you are? They’re a bit down-to-earth, aren’t they!?
Much love,
Corrie xx