I hope everyone had a lovely weekend* and enjoyed themselves thoroughly. I definitely did — for one thing, the lovely boy and I went to visit my cousins and his parents, and we raided both fridges and pantry cupboards. Our own fridge and cupboard are now well and truly stocked! More excitingly though, we visited Hobbycraft.
Just before Christmas, I received £50 worth of vouchers through the post from a Woman’s Weekly giveaway. There is no Hobbycraft easily accessible to me, so we were planning the trip to Croydon for a weekend when neither of us were busy…so, in other words, never. When we decided to go to JS’ home in Kent, he checked the website for me and discovered one near Tunbridge Wells — perfect!
I had a lot of fun running around the shop with a basket while my Knight in Shining Armour sat in the seating area coding away on his latest project (he is something of a computer boff). I ended up not buying any yarn (?!!!), but instead stocked up on a few things I’ve ALWAYS wanted and have considered too much of a luxury to actually buy. These included:
- A glue gun (!)
- Some spray-on adhesive
- A lit magnifying glass for cross-stitch projects
- Buttons, for no reason other than they were pretty
- Some FIMO polymer clay
- Artificial flowers for a project that will be announced at a later date (big secret for now!)
I’ve never been able to do anything like that…my restraint in the yarn department was only because I consider yarn purchases a necessity rather than a luxury (ha) and I had so much fun visiting parts of the store that I would never go to otherwise!
I haven’t really had a chance to use my purchases, apart from experimenting with the FIMO and producing some actual Plutonium Muffins, as the weekend was horrendously busy, but I have so many plans!
…my restraint in the yarn department was only because I consider yarn purchases a necessity rather than a luxury…
I was so happy with the trip, and would like to thank Woman’s Weekly and my delightful JS for the opportunity to indulge myself!
Much plutonium love,
Corrie xx
* I know it’s not Monday anymore — I spent the whole of yesterday at a hospital appointment (nothing serious, don’t worry) and was INCREDIBLY productive. Watch this space!