Today’s challenge for Knit and Crochet Blog Week was to review your use of colour, and I discovered that I am one colourful Corrie! This didn’t come as too much of a surprise really, my Facebook and Twitter are always full of colourful knitting and crochet that I find all over the interwebs. It was nice to review my completed projects and have a look at what I had in there!

I’ve been having huge trouble getting online – we are staying in a house with no wifi so I have to hotspot to get on the net. It had been working fairly successfully from the lounge – and then just stopped and nothing except the PM front page would load. The long and short of it all is that I’ve spent about three days trying to figure out how the heck to get back, and boy am I glad I am online again!
Colourful Corrie
So, a quick snapshot of my Ravelry projects page, idea directly copied from the Eskimimi Makes post on this.
Although it is primarily colourful, I have noticed a distinct pattern when it comes to blues and greens. I seem to like them rather a lot! This is just a small selection of my projects, and the resolution’s is a bit funny because I have a very wide and short laptop screen. There are two ‘non-colourful’ things in there – the first, the black Classic Hat, which was a commission piece. The second is the cat – and let’s face it, cats aren’t COLOURFUL, not reaally…!

Projects that I’m making at the moment tend to be variegated. I’m into Regia Sock Yarns in a big way, and I’m also loving colour variation. Ever since I learned to dye my own yarn I’ve been looking for exciting ways to use it. My stash is full of multi-colour yarn, and I have volunteered a fair amount of the duller stuff for use in projects that I won’t be making.

It will be fun to see what the colours look like next year. Watch this space!
Much love,
Corrie xx