New Project Page — and logo to come!

Tommy the Dog, Me, Bethelred, Tobington & JS (Copyright John S) I hope everyone is having a good day — it is fabulously sunny in London, to follow the amazing weather of the weekend. What did you get up to this weekend? JS, Bethelred, Tobington, Tommy the Dog and me went to Hyde Park yesterday and soaked up some rays, as well as eating lots of gummy bears and ice cream. Delicious!

This is just a quick web announcement — I’ve put a lot of work into the pages over the weekend (particularly the project pages) — so go over and check it out.

Also, I’ve commissioned a new logo off a designer, which will hopefully be arriving sometime soon. It’s my first investment into Plutonium Muffins (apart from buying this URL, which JS paid for so let’s face it, I haven’t paid a penny yet, haha), and I’m really excited about it. Does anyone have any ideas about what it should be like? The designer already has a pretty good brief from what I want, but I’m always interested to know what everybody else thinks!

Finally, I updated the website this morning with a mandatory update from If anybody finds any dead links or features, please let me know ASAP, because I stupidly forgot to ask JS to back it up before I did the update. I’m tech savvy-ish, but not enough to know how to do that myself!

That’s all for now. Much love,

Corrie xx

Ed: I wrote this yesterday but have been in a lot of pain and very unwell since so I haven’t really been up to doing the photos properly — so it’s basic one published a day late — sorry!

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