In Episode 13 of the Plutonium Muffins podcast I talk about knitting and resolutions, and have an interview with Anna Feldman of Wild and Woolly, a relatively new yarn shop in London. There is the usual background noise and high-jinks, all tempered by an excited review of “The KNITSONIK Stranded Colourwork Sourcebook” by Felicity Ford.
Grab a cuppa and enjoy!
Episode 13: Chirimo
“spring” in Shona
The season between winter and summer; the season in which plants begin to vegetate and rise; the vernal season hence, figuratively, the first and freshest period of any time or condition.
- I will be at Wonderwool Wales next weekend, and also attending FLOCK. Please let me know if you would like to meet up and say hi!
- Vittoria Segreta blog
- The Yarn in the City board on Ravelry with details of the 10km race
Section 1: Knitting
In the Oven
- Naloa by Renée Callahan
- Westminster and Beyul by Kettle Yarn Co
- WIP blog post
- Vanilla Socks
- Fish Lips Kiss Heel pattern
- Felix by Biscotte and Cie “Hope“
The Cooling Rack
Future Recipes
Gourmet Knitting
- The KNITSONIK Stranded Colourwork Sourcebook
- KNITSONIK website
- KNITSONIK podcast
- #tarmactuesday!
Section Two: Resolutions
Welcome to Resolutions Monthly: ameyknits
My Resolutions
- Follow running schedule
- My Broken Brain – Liz on encephalitis
- Send baby jumper to New Zealand
- Cast on a new pair of socks
- Write learners pattern
- Publish card boxes
LakeLinda is working on a pillow for her daughter, and finished the most amazing baby outfit I’ve ever seen.
carrotandstick made a beautiful purple linen top on a Singer sewing machine she repaired herself.
tsaria made me giggle with her knitted earmuffs.
maprehn finished the Hawa Lace Cardigan.
Tabby15 finished a tiny baby cardigan with amazing coloured buttons.
Section Three: Crafty Roots
A Good Yarn
- Knaughty Knitters
- Interview with Anna Feldman, owner of Wild and Woolly
- The Wild and Woolly website
- Wild and Woolly on Facebook
- Anna on Twitter
- Anna on Instagram
- Wild and Woolly on Ravelry
- True Brit Knits
Welcome to the Plutonium Muffins group: ameyknits, all4meggymoo and jadesfire.
Please leave reviews on iTunes if you feel so inclined! You can do so here.
Contact me!