Episode Three: Kuruka

Welcome to Episode Three of the Plutonium Muffins Podcast – Kuruka! I discuss some projects I’m working on, as well as the events I will be going to in the next few weeks. I go through the Monthly Resolutions and talk about a KAL we will be doing in January 2015. There’s also a section on a brief History of Knitting, and at the very end – an explanation as to why I called everything Plutonium Muffins!

Episode Three: Kuruka



‘knitting’ in Shona

Section One: Knitting

Knitting In the Oven

Future Recipes

Wooden Spoons (and so on)


Section Two: Spinning

Half-baked Spinning

Kneading the dough

Gourmet Spinning

Le Cordon Bleu

Section Three: Resolutions

“Between now and 12/31, don’t know about you, but my knitting will be consumed with Holiday gifts. So I always need a new project for after the holidays, I will lead a KAL in January. So let’s be selfish and make something for ourselves.

I’ll start a thread for ideas – so look at your queue, scout the patterns for something that you want to make and we’ll do this again.

$8 pattern for a random participant”

Section Four: Crafty Roots

Brief History of Knitting


Contact me!

Why Plutonium Muffins?

The original 'Egyptian' coptic sock.
The original ‘Egyptian’ coptic sock.
Sandal Socks found in Egypt.
Sandal Socks found in Egypt.

Plutonium Muffins Podcast Episode One
Plutonium Muffins Podcast Episode Two

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One Response to Episode Three: Kuruka

  1. I’ve never thought about the direction of knitting being opposite to the direction we read! Very thought provoking…… I think your doing really well with your podcasting. A few months ago I started blogging for the first time and like others have said to me (and I’m sure it’s been said to yourself) it’s just about finding your voice. Keep up the good work.

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