I started knitting Sheldon on the day of my birthday party – how’s that for a memory! Sheldon is a little turtle designed by Ruth Homrighaus on Knitty.com. After knitting Turtle’s Turtles this year, I decided I needed another turtle – and I pounced on the pattern for one reason.
His shell is removable. And interchangeable.
This is him as I have knitted him. JS chose the colours, and I knitted his whole body and two legs, then stalled. For three months he sat in the bottom of my WIP basket, and I made it my mission to finish him this weekend.
He came to life in the Pilchard Inn pub on Burgh Island while dad and I pontificated on life.
The pattern is great, although I did edit one part of it. In order to attach the shell to the little jacket that allows you to change it, you are supposed to use an i-cord. I didn’t like the way it came out, so I unpicked it and just sewed it on with a slanted stitch. Hopefully you can see this in the photo.
I also over-stuffed the shell a bit, so it’s a bit difficult to pull him into the shell! I like to think he over-indulged in some of the Quality Street. It’s OK.
Anyway, now my next job is to decide if I’m going to knit any of his other suits. I have a huuuuuge amount of choice.
Sheldon’s Costumes
All of these photos are taken from the respective Ravelry page.
A number of animal options.
A number of other options!
So, what do you think?
I’m back in Kent, waiting for the results of an interview I had yesterday. I would appreciate it if everyone could keep their fingers, toes and cats tails crossed and/or plaited for luck. I really, really want this job.
Much love,
Corrie xx
Puss cat tails firmly plaited!
I’ll be thinking of you possum!
Thank you Spindle, I’ll let you all know! Hopefully I won’t be such a nervous wreck tomorrow as we are staying up all night to watch the election results coming in. Well, JS is and I’m keeping him company with blogging and hexipuffing!
I have all the appropriate digits crossed for you :)
Also, you should totally make the pirate costume, it seems appropriate for something that came to life in the Pilchard…
Vix xx
That is so cute! I didn’t know the shell was apart from the body.. I am melting.. ahhhw..
And those costumes! So fun :)