JS and I went to the Battersea Cats and Dogs Home yesterday, to give the blanket in.
The actual handover was a bit…anti-climactic. I guess I was expecting the staff to be like “Oh my God, you worked so hard, thank you so much for this beautiful gift….” but that was a bit stupid of me. While to me, it was a big deal, to them I guess it’s just something that happens all the time — and totally necessary to the running of the home — so my ego got a bit of a bashing. Fair enough!

We got to go look around the kennels. You aren’t supposed to take photos, but this guy was so cute that I was a bit naughty…I gave him lots of cuddles (also not allowed) so I hope he doesn’t mind. His name is Brando and his information is here. If I had been in the market for a dog, this would have been the one I had taken. As it was, it was really difficult to just leave. He did have a knitted blanket, though..!

I find the concept that you aren’t allowed to pet the dogs bizarre – they all just want love so badly. I can understand the health and safety implications, but equally I couldn’t resist, and did end up petting most of them.

Anyway, the blanket is handed over and life is moving on — I’m in the process of knitting my Digger, and I’m also plotting the next project. I haven’t had any external opinions — do we think I should do Draco for Grumpy or knit myself a shawl?
Much love,
Corrie xx

How wonderful – your blanket looks fabulous and I’m sure it will be comforting a dig soon! Brando is a cutie – I wouldn’t have been able to resist a cuddle either!
Shame it wasn’t such a big deal to them, but it doesn’t matter so much anyway, the real winners are the satisfied knitter and one substantially warmer dog :)
Hi Corrie, it’s Battersea Dogs & Cats Home here, we just wanted to say thanks so much for your blanket, it’s very kind of you! We really do appreciate all the blankets and will make sure yours goes to one of our needy dogs – they really love the colourful blankets so yours will go down a treat. We are giving all the patchwork paws ones like yours to our foster dogs and we have some who haven’t been given their own patchwork paw blanket yet, so can make sure they get yours. Thanks so much for making it and taking the time to drop it off!
Aww thank you so much! :)