Do you remember when I was enchanted by the weather and went for a walk in October, inappropriately clad in a tie-dye dress and wellies? I waxed lyrical about cobwebs for a while, and had a disproportionate number of photos of Tommy the Dog in there.
Well, it’s time for your January follow-up to that post. We are well in the grips of winter and snow – if I hadn’t made that clear in yesterday’s blog.
Shadwell Wood in January
To remind you, we live on the edge of Shadwell Wood, which is literally a hundred metres away from our garden gate. I was really excited to see sheep in the field as I walked past. Luckily, Tommy ignored them, and they allowed me to take a photo as we wandered through. They looked cold, but it made a picturesque scene.

It’s incredible to see how much snow is on the grounds in the actual woods. When I took that walk in October, autumn hadn’t yet penetrated through the trees, and it still felt like late summer inside. That is not the case now – the ground is just as thick with snow, and we crunched as we walked.

Tommy snuffled in the snow as we went – he was obviously looking for his usual scents but couldn’t find them. You remember I said I wasn’t sure if I should go left or right at this fork last time? Well, we went the other way this time, and got a bit lost. When I say lost, I meant we literally ended up on a road and I didn’t know which way was home.

I didn’t really want to go back, we’d come down a very big hill…but luckily, there was a helpful sign pointing the way back home, so we walked back via the road.

We also wandered through the churchyard, which was very pretty indeed.

It was rather pleasant, though it did remind me that I really need to get going on my fitness regime! As soon as the snow melts I will start running, but until then I will enjoy walking with Tommy, and knitting near the snug fire staring out into the snow.
What’s the weather like where you’re at?
Much love,
Corrie xx