I have been collecting yarn scraps for ages and I decided to make what I now know is a ‘magic ball’. I know, confusing right? Basically, it’s a big ball of yarn that you make out of all the bits that you cut off your knitting/crochet/weaving/jumper. You knot all the bits together and you wind them into a ball.
Magic Ball
I’ve only been doing it for about three weeks and already my ball is huge, although it does have bulky yarn from the Big Hat I made last week in it. That bulked it out a lot!
Anyway I just found out that it’s called a magic ball after doing a search, and I plan to use it to make a scarf or an afghan. I didn’t realise that people do this anyway – I thought I was very clever indeed for coming up with a new concept, but I have been disillusioned of that notion!

The yarn on top is for the mitts I talked about yesterday – they are for TJB, and I finished them this morning. I’ll show them off tomorrow!
What do you do with your scraps?
I have talked about this a bit previously, but November is National Novel Writing Month – Nanowrimo (for those of us who can’t grow a moustache). I’ve always wanted to do it, but this year I have bitten the bullet and decided to do it. I started this morning (pinch and a punch) and I managed to write 1800 words. I might do a bit more this afternoon.
If you are doing it, and you would like to be my writing buddy, my username is ‘thesledgehamster*’. I don’t have any yet, and I’m feeling lonely!
That’s me for now – I hope you’re all happy. I’ll leave you with a shot of Burgh Island one hour before low tide in the bright shining sunshine. This is my view as I write my novel, and it’s brilliant – I can see how Agatha Christie was inspired to write here!

Much love,
Corrie xx
Post Script
* After our old hamster, Kaiser Oscar Lionel “the Sledge Hamster” Matthew Twitch
Such a lovely birthday gift and I am a January birthday knitter!!