WIPW (9) – Crochet (and Chippenham Folk Festival)

In festival gear, ready to party before disaster strikes! This weeks Work in Progress Wednesday is a bit of an odd one!

I went to Chippenham Folk Festival this weekend with my dear JS and a couple of lovely friends. I had been looking forward to it a lot; this is a dance folk festival, which is very different to Towersey Village Festival that focuses on music. The first night was fab – lots of high-jinks which involved an apple and orange juice cocktail, inflatable sofa and some extremely entertaining ceilidh dancing.

Unfortunately, I woke up on Saturday feeling very unwell. Initially, I thought this was a consequence of the previous nights fun; by Saturday afternoon I knew it wasn’t, and on Saturday night I was in complete agony, with muscles and head all screaming at me. The rest of the weekend was spent curled up in the tent trying to stay warm, with an excursion to the pub on Sunday night in a desperate attempt to stay comfortable. A cough developed, and I’m now back home huddled up in a blanket, trying to do some work over a hot chocolate and with a cuddly rabbit.

Learning to crochet

One good thing to come out of this was that I finally, finally learned how to crochet! Super-Granny gave me some ancient books of hers which she had obviously decided to pass on after failing to teach me over Christmas when she came to visit. Apart from being beautiful relics of a bygone era (1946), I have finally managed to progress.

Anyway, further practice ensued in the car on the way home, and I’m now able to do squares and triangles with some success. I will confess the triangle was a result of me not quite working out how to finish each row, and happened before the squares did. Triangle-meant-to-be-a-square

So, this learning process with crochet is definitely a work in progress. I’m hoping to utilise my skills to make my lovely Dad’s Birthday present, and I have to commit a blasphemy to knitting here, and say that artistically, I think I may prefer crochet for colour painting. I may need some more experience before I completely decide on the verdict – but watch this space! Slightly more-square square

One thing I would like some advice on – how do I turn successfully without producing triangles or non-straight squares? Any thoughts would be totally appreciated!

Much love,

Corrie xx

Me and JS looking at swans.
Me and JS looking at swans.
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