I’ve been working on the work accounts all week (my Twitter followers may well have noticed more than a few post-midnight Tweets expressing tiredness and misery). On Tuesday I was doing them at home, and in the background had a programme playing on Channel 4. Called “The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off“, it was a documentary about Jonny Kennedy — a man who was born with a rare condition called Epidermolysis Bullosa. This is a horrific genetic condition in which the lining of your skin doesn’t stick to your body properly, so the skin literally falls off when it is touched/rubbed/manipulated in any way.
Why on earth is this my Friday Inspiration? Well, I watched the documentary, and am absolutely inspired by Jonny’s attitude to life — but ultimately, death. In the course of the documentary, he passes away — it was filmed in order to track his journey from life to death — and his views are so, so unusual; and incredibly inspirational. I don’t like talking about death (who does, really?) but I felt like I have to share this. I was totally miserable doing accounts past midnight — but in the grand scheme of things, that’s a minor irritation not worth any thought.
Link to YouTube video in case the embedding doesn’t work for you (silly Flash!)
Just in case you are of a delicate disposition — there are some fairly gruesome scenes and heart-breaking moments in this. Please don’t let it detract from your watching experience. This is the business, and 49 minutes long so settle yourself down comfortably, get a box of tissues and a cuppa, and learn a bit more about this world we live in, and the amazing people that inhabit it.
You can find out more about EB at DebRA, the UK charity that is working to eliminate the disorder.
That’s all from me for this week! Ending on a rather sombre note — but I hope everyone has a super-cheerful weekend, and see you all on Monday!
Much love,
Corrie xx
PS I’m not normally as hippy-ish as this blog suggests, particularly the “learn a bit more about this world we live in, and the amazing people that inhabit it” bit! I just love to learn about what exists around us, and this was too amazing not to share.
We watched this in RE at school, so it must be at least six or seven years old. It was a very good documentary…
They re-released it this week with an added thing from after the funeral :)