I suspect my writing style may change slightly over the next few weeks. I’ve been exploring my favourite ways of expressing myself, following a slight pause in my writing habits that (only) lasted eight years. So, I think I’ll probably get a bit more prosey over the next indeterminable period, and if anyone has any suggestions on ways I can improve myself, please do let me know!
This request leads us nicely on to todays Friday Inspirations. If you need to learn how to do something, who is normally the first person and best person to help you?
Your mum may not have enabled you to be an Olympiad – but what do you think she helped you with the most over the course of your life?
My mum is definitely the star of all mum’s (sorry, I never did the ‘unbiased’ module of creative writing), having supported me through some really difficult and awful stuff in the last year, and despite not understanding some of my decisions, sticking by me anyway, and showing me that a mother’s love truly is unconditional.
Much love,
Corrie xx