Podcaster, weaver, knitter

I had a big badge at Edinburgh Yarn Festival which proclaimed that I am a podcaster. And I am! Isn’t that strange? Who knew this time last year that I would own things like microphones and audio editing software.

I’ve been feeling reflective for the last few days, as I’ve had a sinus infection which I caught off John just before going to Edinburgh, and I’ve spent a fair amount of time in bed, trying to catch up on reading blogs and watching podcasts. I’ll try not let the reflection get too deep…today. Additionally – it’s International Day of Happiness today! In addition to the normal parties, I’m linking with Happy Friday over at Planet Penny today.

I am a Podcaster

As I say, I had a big badge saying I was a podcaster last weekend. Oh my goodness, Edinburgh Yarn Festival was amazing. Really wonderful. The best bit was the people. I got to meet so many of my Twitter friends who I have ‘known’ for years, but never spoken to face-to-face. I met the podcasters, who I feel like I know and who I spend a lot of every day with as I work my way through their shows. I met people I’ve emailed about things, my ‘exhibition family’ in the form of vendors such as Purl Alpaca and Belinda Harris-Reid, people who I see at every show. I spent two days with my people. It was glorious!

I also realised that I am a podcaster. You can listen here!

The wonderful friends I made at Edinburgh Yarn Festival (photo from the pop-up studio)
The wonderful friends I made at Edinburgh Yarn Festival (photo from the pop-up studio)
A tiny selection of the podcasters I got to spend my time with.
A tiny selection of the podcasters I got to spend my time with.

I will record a new podcast episode when I sound less like a muppet, and all the low-down will go into that. I’m still on a high, though, and can’t wait for the next event*.

I am a Weaver

While at the Edinburgh Yarn Festival, I bought a loom. I have been thinking about making this purchase ever since Martine over at iMake got an Ashford Knitter’s Loom…and I was so excited about it that I proceeded to tell everyone that I met about it. I also told the people I had already told about it that I had bought it. Every five minutes. Sorry about that!

I ‘cast on’ a project as soon as I got back to London (please let me know what the technical term for that is?) and finished a scarf on Tuesday. It’s far too short and the tension is so funny – but I’m sure this will be another project which I frame and add to my display of “first spun yarn”, “first machine knitting” and so on.

My first ever woven scarf.
My first ever woven scarf.

You’ll hear a lot more about weaving in the future!

I am a Knitter

There are multiple parts to this identity this week! I got so much knitting done while in Edinburgh – I finished the Angel Socks, which are currently blocked and drying and therefore un-photographed.

Working on my Angel socks with a matching teapot in Edinburgh!
Working on my Angel socks with a matching teapot in Edinburgh!

I also (finally) cast on Naloa by Renee Callahan, and am a good way through the first chart. I’ve had the yarn for this for months, the pattern for slightly less amount of time, and I’ve been promising myself I will cast on for as long as the pattern has been out. It feels wonderful to have started a brand new project that has been weighing on my mind – and I’m loving how it is turning out!

On the subject of Renee, I went to a lesson with her at Wild and Wooly on Wednesday night. I met some old friends there, as well as a couple of new people. We started working on Saguaro, a beautiful pattern of Renee’s, which involves two-colour cables in absolutely divine Malabrigo Rios yarn. I had a skein of “Indiecita” in my stash, and bought another of “Sunset” from Anna at WandW – the two colours are knitting up beautifully, and I am loving the new technique.

Working on my cowl during our lesson at Wild and Wooly (photo copyright Renee Callahan 2015)
Working on my cowl during our lesson at Wild and Wooly (photo copyright Renee Callahan 2015)
A half-done cowl with Renee's beautiful Saguaro pattern.
A half-done cowl with Renee’s beautiful Saguaro pattern.

That’s my five things for today! They are all making me feel incredibly happy, positive, and blessed to be part of this little fibre-y community, and the misery of my sinuses have been overshadowed by the joy I’ve felt while working my way through the network I am fortunate enough to belong to.

So, have a wonderful weekend, and hopefully by next post I will be back to my normal non-reflective, brash and silly self!!

Much love,

Corrie xx

Just a quick note, sometimes at the bottom of a post you’ll see a badge linking to things like “Five on Friday”, “Wool on Sunday” and so on. These are link parties, and clicking on them will take you to other bloggers who are concentrating on that rough theme too, so that if you find you want to catch up with the world, you have a good starting point.

* The next event I will be at will be p-Lush in Coventry on Friday and Saturday next week. I hope to see you there!



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16 Responses to Podcaster, weaver, knitter

  1. AUNTIE SHAN says:

    Oooo… I *love* what you’re doing with the 2-coloured cables! — I still have to find the time to learn how to do them yet, but that whole thing with 2 colours looks intriguing… [INSERT: the sound of rusty gears slowly grinding together inside my brain!]

  2. Jenny Wilson says:

    Corrie – lots of great things to be happy about! I’d love to hear more about your new ‘Ashford Knitter’s Loom’ and how you’ve found the transition to weaving. I’ve got a table loom but unsure what to do with it and how to get started :)

    • Corrie Berry says:

      Oh my gosh, I love it. Super easy. The worst bit is the set-up, Google ‘warping a table loom’ and you should be good to go from there. Just try it out and explore, you’re intelligent and crafty – I’m sure you’ll work it out :) x

  3. Congratulations on being a Podcaster! I love that scarf – wow! X

  4. Edinburgh yarn festival sounds amazing, always nice to meet up with like minded people.

    • Corrie Berry says:

      Isn’t it wonderful? Someone took a photo of my socks, and when she asked “can I take a photo of your socks” we all burst out laughing. It’s the only place in the world where it’s OK, when you’re with people who understand :D

  5. Natalie says:

    Good for you getting the loom, and using it already! I quite like the scarf. Nice colour combination. It’s something I have always wanted to learn but keep putting off. One day! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Shelley says:

    You are a very talented lady that is what you are!
    loved reading your post. hope you feel better soon.

  7. So many great yarny things!!! I love that you do and are so many things. A very creative – and busy! – lady!! Thank you so much for joining in. I hope that you have a great weekend! xx

  8. Lilly's Mom says:

    It looks like you have been very busy at having fun! I love your socks – beautiful yarn.

  9. Carmen N says:

    Teapot matching the socks … gotta love that!

  10. Lovely lovely you xxx Currently at the big NEC show… different demographic but fab people none the less. p-LUSH next weekend, see you there sweet lady podcaster! – B

  11. Planet Penny says:

    and you are extremely busy! What a great post, so much going on. I love the two colour scarf, it’s a lovely pattern.
    Thanks for joining in with Happy Friday x

  12. Pingback: Yarn Along 2015: Week 13 | Digging out of the stash

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