FO Friday (1) – Flower Pin

Little flower (Copyright Corrie B) This is a disaster of a Friday for me — the first time I’ve failed to do the Friday Inspirations since they started! Awful. They will be back next week, I have the idea but no time to find the right videos to go with it. Bear with me!

I shall instead do Finished Object Friday, a Tamis Amis initiative. This has nothing to do with knitting at all I’m afraid — I have a need of new glasses at the moment, and until I get them I am not allowed to do anymore knitting. From now on*, it’s sewing only! (I don’t know what the different really is? Probably that when I’m sewing, I have really, really good lighting because my sewing table has a lot of extra lights on it. Ah well.)

Flower in use! (Copyright Corrie B) In support of this, my first ever Finished Object Friday will be a flower that I made last night. It was inspired by a brooch I wore yesterday; when I put it on, I suddenly decided I needed more brooches and nice accessories for wearing in every-day life. I spent ten minutes getting some inspiration from the internet yesterday, and as soon as we got home last night, sat down at the machine.

I’m pleased with how it came out! I think I’ll be making a ton more of these; I’ve already completed another one today, after getting up an hour earlier than normal and then sitting down on the tube/in the opticians and sewing the petals together afterwards.

What do you think? What colours would you have? And what choice of button? These are all highly topical questions at the moment, and I’m interested to know the outcome.

I like how it matches the buttons on my shirt today — the button I used is in fact the spare from this shirt, which I only realised after I put it on this morning. We are going dancing tonight, and needed appropriately summery clothes. I think I succeeded!

Much love,

Corrie xx

* Well, for the next two weeks at least, until my new glasses arrive. I spent more on glasses today than I’ve spent on food for the entirety of this year so far. There’s a statistic for you!

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