We had our music friends Secret Santa party this weekend. The music friends are a group of many of us who went to Imperial together, and all played in the orchestras together. Associated partners were also invited, and we managed to cram ourselves into one of our houses in Haringey.

It was a far cry from last years celebration. Much cosier, all the food home-cooked and just the best people from Imperial in one room, minus one or two who couldn’t make it. Our old flatmate, who I am going to call Morgana, was one of the hosts, and it also happened to be her birthday, so we had a party for her on Saturday. I may or may not have consumed far too much beer and wine, and ended both nights passed out in Phippsy‘s bed or the sofa. Ahh well.
Secret Santa
JS arranges our Secret Santa festivities with an email service that he started using last year. We drew our names fairly recently, and I received my name. We shall call him Herr B, as he is German and that is how one addresses men of such nationality. Ha.

Over the summer we had a music friends gathering in Kent, and Herr B expressed an interest in two books that were in JS‘ parents book-case. I dutifully got him these, and also included some home-made soap with the package. The handmade part of the present constituted my first ever attempt at free-hand embroidery.

I know you may be looking at this photo wondering why I’ve given someone a monogrammed duster…as string players of some description, we all have need of dusters at all times to keep our instruments clean and happy. Once he’d worked out it was me (which took remarkably little time), he asked if I’d been talking to one of our other friends. No? I was a bit confused until it turned out he had lent it to her and never received it back. Perfect!

I received “Sew!” by Cath Kidston. I was extremely excited by this, may have gone super-sonic and got told off. Thank you so, so much Santa, it is absolutely perfect.
The evening was jolly pleasant, and I had a great time. I’m already looking forward to next year! Massive kudos to the chefs, the food was wonderful and I’m so proud of you for doing it for so many people. Thank you.
Don’t forget to enter the current Plutonium Muffins giveaway!
Much love,
Corrie xx