Tag Archives: JS

July Resolutions recap and August Resolutions setting

I’m writing this August Resolutions post on a train down to Totnes to spend a weekend in Devon with the famdamily. I’m quite looking forward to it – this is effectively my ‘summer holiday’ with my family, and the next … Continue reading

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A review of my spinning progress – yarn

I was digging through my yarn box yesterday (putting my New York yarn away!) and decided to pull out all of my handspun. I don’t know why – something to do with catching sight of the Sherbert Yarn and wanting … Continue reading

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Presents from New York!

My lovely JS got back from New York today and he brought me presents! I asked him to go have a look in some yarn stores but then reconsidered and didn’t give him any recommendations – so he had to make … Continue reading

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Mid-March Resolutions progress report!

So, it’s been a week since I last posted, and you only get a progress report for my March Resolutions. Isn’t that boring? Not really – I’ve been in Berlin for work, and got back to stacks of admin to … Continue reading

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Space Invader Mitts!

I thought that I ought to write up a blog about the Space Invader Mitts, as I have not mentioned them once, and they are probably the project I liked the most last year! I made these for JS, as … Continue reading

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Erquy vs lace dress

I have been wrestling with myself this week, making a tough decision: the best dress for my cotton yarn? Let’s rewind a moment – you remember when I went to Brazil? I bought a huge amount of yarn for a … Continue reading

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This place we live in – London

Living in London, I am sometimes gripped by a fear that we don’t take advantage of being here as much as we should. I know there are so many people who envy the fact that I live in one of the … Continue reading

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Christmas Hat…or a few!

This year, Christmas was all about the hats, in terms of my knitting! I took some advice from a friend, who suggested that I only knit the same item for everyone as it would be more manageable. This was definitely … Continue reading

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Here, I have big hair and Dan has a new hat…! Continue reading

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Resolutions Update – December

I think it’s high time for a resolutions update, because there are 8 days left (hurrrrah) and I need to keep on top of what I’m doing. SO, here goes… December Resolutions – update I think this has been one … Continue reading

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