Plutonium Muffins has gone back to spinning. So, what the heck does “Happy New March! Resolutions” mean?! February has treated me badly, friends. My car tried to break my spirit, at the same time as a wisdom tooth decided that ‘up’ was not the way it wanted to grow. My lovely, depleted immune system allowed tonsillitis to take over, and all of this affected my job a bit as it was difficult for me to get to it. Finally, my purse was stolen/lost on the way back from Unravel on Saturday.

Awful, right?
However, I refuse to take this lying down. March requires resolutions to force all this rubbish to take a hike.
Spinning Resolutions
Following my spinning lesson at Unravel this weekend, I’ve been wanting to get back into it. My darling spinning wheel has been feeling somewhat neglected since we had an argument in December over what we each wanted the tension to be. We’ve resolved our issues, and I’m getting a bit more confident with it. I want March to be the month of revitalising an old passion, and increasing my skills with the wheel.

JS also bought me a bottom-whorl drop spindle last year, which I have finally taught myself to use. I want to increase this skill-set, even though I think I prefer the spinning wheel at the moment. If I’ve got the equipment, I must know how to use it.

Finally, after meeting so many spinners at Unravel, I realised that my tactic of self-taught craftiness is flawed. There are some things that I just cannot teach myself, and I’m definitely never going to meet people in my area if they aren’t on the internet if I don’t actually go out!
So, my resolutions are thus:
- Wheel-spin all of my personally prepared Cheviot fibre.
- Spin some purple merino fibre using my drop-spindle.
- Learn how to use all of my spinning equipment. Properly.
- Join a spinning guild.
I think that’s a good list to be getting on with for now. Would anybody like to join me with some New March Resolutions? I’m going to give a progress report on the 14th, and the final update will be given in April!
I have a fab giveaway for March (you’ll notice we’ve had a two week hiatus so that I wasn’t running mid-month to mid-month, which was irritating me beyond belief!) I’ll let you know on Friday, as well as showing you an FO that I’m incredibly proud of!
Much love,
Corrie xx
The only people I know these days are knitters from my knitting groups. They allow me to reach into the real world occasionally instead of always connecting with people virtually. It saves my sanity.