On Sunday night, I finished the BDCH KAL dogs blanket. Hurrah! Download the pattern here.

It was good timing. My dog, a beautiful and amazing labrador with the biggest heart – and head! – I’ve ever known, laid down for his final sleep with my dad and his vet by his side on Friday night.
I spent much of the day on Saturday being highly emotional, and well-looked after by JS. There was no progress on the knitting front, though I did buy some golden yarn to make a stuffed toy. We are going to put Digger’s collar and tag on that.

Anyway, back to the Battersea Dogs and Cats Home. Now that the blanket is finished, we are going to take it in by hand and meet some of the dogs there. I’ll probably do it on Saturday morning, before we go down to Kent.
Sarah also finished hers, and has already posted it off. I’m so excited about it. I hope you’ve enjoyed following us. If we’ve tempted anyone else to get involved, I encourage it whole-heartedly. It’s one of the best projects I’ve ever done.
What should I work on next?
Much love,
Corrie xx
PS Things at work are getting busy again, so I might cut down on my blogging schedule. I know how many times I’ve said that in the past, so we will see what happens.
I think you should finish Draco Malfoy :P
I’m working on it! Slow progress. Moving to Kent, so can get it done on the train! :)
So sorry about your dog :( Maybe you find one you like in BDCH and take it home with you.
I would love to do that but I don’t think JS would approve! Maybe I will take him with me and he can fall in love with one!