Tag Archives: Battersea Dogs and Cats Home Knitalong

Taking the blanket home!

JS and I went to the Battersea Cats and Dogs Home yesterday, to give the blanket in. Download the pattern here. The actual handover was a bit…anti-climactic. I guess I was expecting the staff to be like “Oh my God, … Continue reading

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The Blanket is Finished!

On Sunday night, I finished the BDCH KAL dogs blanket. Hurrah! Download the pattern here. It was good timing. My dog, a beautiful and amazing labrador with the biggest heart – and head! – I’ve ever known, laid down for … Continue reading

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No WIP Wednesday today

I have bad news – I have food poisoning! I can’t even lift my needles to get on with the BDCH KAL. This is a tragedy as I have to get a hat done by Friday for a friend…but, I’ll … Continue reading

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The BDCH KAL as of yesterday

I took this photo yesterday, with my progress on the BDCH blanket. I have managed to knit a couple more blue squares, but no real progress, compared to @gingerbreadbun, who is finished all the knitting! How amazing is that?! The … Continue reading

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The BDCH KAL progresses – yellow, done!

So, following @gingerbreadbun‘s success of finishing the second colour yesterday, I was spurred on and managed the same today! I’ve managed to sew some of the squares together, as JS and I watched the football tonight. I haven’t taken a … Continue reading

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BDCH KAL: A Flying Start!

I finally started the BDCH KAL yesterday! So, I’m off to a flying start, with all of my orange squares completed already. I’m so happy about this that it’s actually an effort not to put an exclamation mark at the … Continue reading

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And so the BDCH KAL begins!

Following yesterday’s apologetic post regarding not having got myself in order, I can announce that the baby-hat is now finished, and, the BDCH KAL has started! Do you want to know the mega-exciting news? From Twitter, this literally made my … Continue reading

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Timing Gone Wrong

There have been a few people on the web who I know have been eagerly waiting for FO Friday on the Baby Hat, and the kick-off of the BDCH KAL. In addition to this, it was Friday yesterday, and we were … Continue reading

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WIPW (10) – Baby Hat for T

In my posts about the BDCH Knitalong I would like to host*, I mentioned I couldn’t start until Friday as I was involved in another project. This project is a hat for one of JS‘ colleagues babies, a little boy whose … Continue reading

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Knitalong – BDCH Blanket

It’s official! I’ve decided to do a knitalong, which I intend to start knitting on the 15th of June (this Friday). So far I have a grand total of…zero…people signed up! I’m incredibly disappointed, but given that I only decided … Continue reading

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