I have had a look through my resolutions folder today and discovered that I haven’t written a proper resolutions post since September. This is terrible.
Anyway, let’s move on.
December Resolutions
I feel a bit scared about the fact that we are nearly there, and I’m trying to not panic because there’s just under a month to go. So I’ve tried to keep it gentle…but let’s face it December is never gentle! Here goes…
- Get the rest of the Christmas presents done – five left!
- Go to next three yoga sessions
- Write up head-band pattern (in the gap after Crimbo!)
- Go running three times a week
I know I barely ever talk about life resolutions, but they are happening! I’ve been going to yoga every Wednesday night for the last few weeks (I am terribly inflexible) and JS has bought me some beautiful new blue running shoes. I hope I will lose some weight!

Now, I did actually do resolutions October and November. I wrote about them on Ravelry and I am positive that I wrote about them on the blog…but I can’t find those posts. Sigh.
October Resolutions
I failed in October! Not good. JS distracted me with his scarf…that I knitted in November…
- Make all my family’s Christmas presents – one pair of socks and a hat
- Spin all the Cheviot – not even a single fibre
Half of a hat, now finished and ready…
November Resolutions
I did much better than I thought I would, having been able to sit and knit for a lot of yesterday because we were dog-sitting baby Boris again!
- Knit a scarf for the OH – finished, blog here
- Knit three Christmas presents – Two and a half knitted! Hurrah
Half of a hat, now finished and ready…
It’s nearly time to think of New Year’s Resolutions – I have got to get better at documenting this because I can’t find last year’s either! So that will no doubt one of them…
Much love,