First Ever Christmas Ornaments

I made two Christmas Ornaments for Baby Cara and Baby Oliver this year – you would be forgiven for thinking I only crafted for these two babies, as all of my posts about Christmas so far have been about them! It’s the first year I’ve had babies I can craft a lot for at Christmas. If you want to see their knitted presents, here is the Spanish Dress and here a Wooby!

Photo of the cross stitch pattern from the magazine.
Photo of the cross stitch pattern from the magazine.

Christmas Ornaments – cross stitch

I used my love for cross stitch to create these Christmas ornaments, something that I have now done for two years in a row, and intend to do for many more. The pattern came from Issue 236 of The World of Cross stitching, and I used some Janlynn threads to stitch both reindeers up.

The Christmas Ornaments, stitched and ready to back.
The Christmas Ornaments, stitched and ready to back.

I used scrap 14 count aida, and when I was done washed the pieces in a bit of Soak, drying them on the radiator. Each cross stitch took about two hours to stitch – I’m not sure if you can see that some of the colour matching was off, but I’m not worried about that!

The ornaments were stitched on to their backing fabric by hand, as I ended up finishing them on Christmas morning while the turkey was in the oven! The fabric was a scrap of curtain material from John’s parents house – they’ve just had new curtains made, so the Christmas ornaments matched the decor! Each one was stuffed with bits of scrap fabric, making them quite firm – I wanted to make sure they were completely washable.

Two Christmas Ornaments for two babies celebrating their first Christmas.
Two Christmas Ornaments for two babies celebrating their first Christmas.

As it turns out, this was a good idea! Oliver got his and the first thing he did was stick it into his mouth. Cara wasn’t so sure about it, but she is also only just starting to realise that her hands can be used. Hopefully they’ll be able to keep them, and treasure them when they get older.

I can’t wait to start planning next year’s Christmas ornaments!

Much love,

Corrie xx

Me and a baby clutching his new Christmas Ornament!
Me and a baby clutching his new Christmas Ornament!
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