I think it’s high time for a resolutions update, because there are 8 days left (hurrrrah) and I need to keep on top of what I’m doing.
SO, here goes…
December Resolutions – update
I think this has been one of my most successful months that I’ve ever managed, so far. The fitness milestones fell down a little bit, but that is fine!
- Get the rest of the Christmas presents done – finished! Hurrah.
- Go to next three yoga sessions – I think I made it to one, last week I was babysitting, and tomorrow I should make it again!
- Write up head-band pattern (in the gap after Crimbo!) – haven’t done this yet, but will be surprised if I don’t manage it.
- Go running three times a week – mostly, have a slight twisted ankle at the moment so it’s been a few days…but doing well.
Talking about getting Christmas presents done, I have knitted something crazy like eight hats in the last twelve days. No, don’t ask me – I don’t know how? Gotta love commuting…
Now, because I can’t post photos of my FOs at the moment, here are a few things that have happened in our lives recently, in case you are interested!
JS and I went to a big party on Saturday night to celebrate Christmas with our friends. I bought a ‘bad taste’ Christmas jumper for him, which looked awful on the rail in the shop…but the minute he put it on I decided I like JS in fairisle, and I will be buying him more knitted jumpers. (Why won’t I be knitting them? Haven’t you heard of the Boyfriend Sweater Curse?)
We are also looking after Tommy the Dog at the moment, and he has been thoroughly spoiled by me as I am so thrilled to have a doggy little friend to keep me company through the lonely evening hours when everyone else is still at work. Here he is chewing a toothbrush bone!
I’ve been talking to lots of people about their Christmas traditions recently – what are yours?
Much love,
Corrie xx