Tag Archives: Tommy the Dog

Resolutions Update – December

I think it’s high time for a resolutions update, because there are 8 days left (hurrrrah) and I need to keep on top of what I’m doing. SO, here goes… December Resolutions – update I think this has been one … Continue reading

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Thoughts on a Theme – May, Kent

I was really hoping that I could show you a Finished Object today, but I haven’t even turned the heel yet. I’m going to be very, very busy tomorrow! I was in Kent for a whole day yesterday – I had … Continue reading

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Thoughts on a Theme – January, Kent

Do you remember when I was enchanted by the weather and went for a walk in October, inappropriately clad in a tie-dye dress and wellies? I waxed lyrical about cobwebs for a while, and had a disproportionate number of photos … Continue reading

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Lazy Sunday – and the Boys

JS and his dad were playing at a pub last night and rang in the time change with a hearty few pints and lots of excellent music. This lead to the requirement to have a lazy Sunday. Admittedly, most days … Continue reading

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Thoughts on a Theme – October, Kent

I woke up this morning as a result of JS‘ alarm going off repeatedly and him just IGNORING it! Argh. I stayed in bed for a while reading through some blogs, and the overlying theme of most of them was: “It’s … Continue reading

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Holiday in Cornwall, and some knitting

(Knitting) Holiday I’m back from my summer holiday! I had an absolutely wonderful time – ten days of pure relaxed bliss. I won’t give you a full-on run-down of everything that we did, but quite a lot of crafting, and specifically … Continue reading

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Happy Mother’s Day!

It’s my turn to join the hoardes of people across my social networks who have been wishing all the Mum’s a Happy Mothers Day! It’s one of my regrets that we never really properly celebrated Mother’s Day while I was … Continue reading

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New Project Page — and logo to come!

I hope everyone is having a good day — it is fabulously sunny in London, to follow the amazing weather of the weekend. What did you get up to this weekend? JS, Bethelred, Tobington, Tommy the Dog and me went … Continue reading

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