The yarn for Color Affection, the shawl I am knitting for Grumpy, arrived on Thursday. Amongst my emergency knitting of Fingerless Mitts for Granny, being ill (and having to miss the Birthday party, hence not being able to even give them to her!) and trying to get my Fairisle Mittens done, I haven’t managed to cast on!
Grumpy chose the yarn to match that on the Color Affection pattern (in terms of the colours). I decided to knit the lace-weight shawl, so I ordered some laceweight from Heirloom Knittingin Okehampton. I was a bit nervous about this, as their website is a little outdated and I’ve made orders in the past that haven’t quite made it to me from similar websites.

However, I am very, very pleased to report that the yarn arrived in a timely fashion, it is absolutely gorgeous, the staff from Heirloom Knitting emailed me to check-up on the delivery, and I will definitely be using them again.

I can’t wait to start knitting. Tommy has been sitting with me in front of the fire while I’ve been a bit feverish, watching many maternity programmes and getting all broody, and wanting to get going on the shawl. I’m worried about destroying the yarn with mistakes, though, and I would rather wait until I feel a bit better.

Martine from iMake is doing a Color Affection knitalong. It started a long time ago, but I asked quietly if I could join now and she said yes, hurrah! If you’re a knitter and you fancy getting in on the action, check it out on Ravelry. A lot of people are already finishing, but join me on the slow-coach action!
Tonight I’m going to make some birthday cards instead, as we raided my stash this morning for a number of birthdays that appear to be happening this weekend.
Much love,
Corrie xx