New Beginnings
I’ve jumped on the bandwagon for the Love Your Blog challenge by Kate of A Playful Day a week late. I knew that it was going on and checked out how to get involved a couple of times – but … Continue reading
I’ve jumped on the bandwagon for the Love Your Blog challenge by Kate of A Playful Day a week late. I knew that it was going on and checked out how to get involved a couple of times – but … Continue reading
Do you remember when I was enchanted by the weather and went for a walk in October, inappropriately clad in a tie-dye dress and wellies? I waxed lyrical about cobwebs for a while, and had a disproportionate number of photos … Continue reading
Mr Turtle had a birthday yesterday! Maybe you remember from the cake yesterday? (It was delicious by the way, and it looked stunning when we lit the candles). Anyway, as he is a geologist, I made him an appropriate hat. … Continue reading
Don’t tell JS…but I bought some more yarn and needles. Before you all look at me accusingly (I know I have a huge stash), it was necessary! Way back when, or about two weeks ago, I said that I was going … Continue reading
JS and his dad were playing at a pub last night and rang in the time change with a hearty few pints and lots of excellent music. This lead to the requirement to have a lazy Sunday. Admittedly, most days … Continue reading
I woke up this morning as a result of JS‘ alarm going off repeatedly and him just IGNORING it! Argh. I stayed in bed for a while reading through some blogs, and the overlying theme of most of them was: “It’s … Continue reading
(Knitting) Holiday I’m back from my summer holiday! I had an absolutely wonderful time – ten days of pure relaxed bliss. I won’t give you a full-on run-down of everything that we did, but quite a lot of crafting, and specifically … Continue reading