Tag Archives: Double Knitting

Finished Object: Rikke Cowl/Hat

I’m pleased to have a finished object for today – a cowl/hat which was derived from the pattern for the Rikke Hat! I originally started knitting this for a friend, but I was playing yarn chicken and I lost…badly. Instead … Continue reading

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New project – Icon Dress

I am officially starting a new project – the Merino Dress! Before I go on to the details of that, though, I would like to introduce you to the newest member of the family: Piccadilly. « Previous More accomplishments by other … Continue reading

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DON’T PANIC: Hitchhiker!

In my April Resolutions post the other day, I mentioned that I had a finished object; and can now reveal that it is Hitchhiker! Hitchhiker – a completed shawl The last time I talked about this project, I was lamenting … Continue reading

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Head-band and a lost book!

It’s WIP Wednesday and I cast on a new project today, nearly finished it, and realised I’ve lost a knitting book! The new project is a head-band, a test piece for some kits I’m putting on the stall at the … Continue reading

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