Tag Archives: WIP Wednesday

Zigzags Galore – a jumper in progress

I’m still working on my Zigzag Jumper, as I’m sure many of you are aware – progress has again been slow as I have misplaced all seven (!!) of my tape measures. This is a common problem for me – … Continue reading

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Super Sock Success!

The socks have seen some major progress, with the heel turned over the weekend (in some rather unusual circumstances). « Previous June Resolutions Accomplishments Part II   Next » More accomplishments by other people…

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Granny Squares Galore

This week I am ‘wasting my time’, working on Granny Squares. I call this wasting my time because it corresponds to none of my March Resolutions – however, I have pretty much realised I’ve gone as far as I will … Continue reading

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Gigantic Blankie…

Following my adventures at Unravel and seeing the amazing work of Ingrid Wagner Rug & Art Designs, I was inspired to start working on the Gigantic Blankie again. I have been sitting in my room in the evenings working away while … Continue reading

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Gigantic Blankie & Tetris Scarf

I have been a bit short of time recently so progress on the Gigantic Blankie and Tetris Scarf has been a bit slow! Last week I was at the World Travel Market, we were puppy-sitting this weekend, and this week … Continue reading

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Romney Hat

When I went to Unravel this year I bought some Romney Sheep yarn to make a penguin hat from – I made a start on the hat and very quickly decided the yarn was wrong. I knew little about judging the … Continue reading

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Gigantic Blankie

When I had Craft Boss over this weekend, I taught her how to spin and as she practiced I cast on Gigantic Blankie. Gigantic Blankie I had seen this idea in an FO Friday post from Tami’s Amis a few … Continue reading

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BRO socks

Last week my WIP post showed my BRO socks as a mystery knit – I can now share them with you as he knows about them. Happy Birthday for yesterday brother! I’m writing this at 6:30 am and I’m feeling absolutely … Continue reading

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Digger, Kittylow and yet more camping.

After another busy week, I bring you the sum total of my knitting efforts – Digger has been knitted and stuffed, the kittylow is off the needles but has yet to be sewn together, and I’m off to another wet … Continue reading

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Baby Blanket progress.

It is time for an update on the baby blanket, and I hope you will all be impressed at the progress I’ve made over the past two weeks! I’ve even been kind and taken comparison photographs, so you can see exactly … Continue reading

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