WIP Wednesday – Cheviot Yarn Attempt One

One of my March Resolutions was to “Wheel-spin all of my personally prepared Cheviot fibre.” I’ve so far managed two skeins of Cheviot Yarn, with my third set of singles resting on the bobbins. Hurrah.

This has happened because of the previously mentioned tonsillitis, as well as the fact that my wisdom tooth was finally removed on Monday. It was painful, and so far I haven’t felt the benefit of having it out because I’m still in pain, but everyone I’ve spoken to assures me that it won’t last much longer.

Spinny spin spin with Skinny Liz over-looking.
Spinny spin spin with Skinny Liz over-looking.

The bad news is I have to have an operation to remove another. Silly teeth!

Cheviot Yarn

It’s difficult to know whether the Cheviot Yarn is a WIP or not – the skeins on the niddy-noddy, which are waiting for the third to be plied as I’m too lazy to wash three sets of yarn separately, are to all intents and purposes, spun. But, they do still need washing – and possibly dying if I want them to be colourful.

Two skeins on a niddy-noddy.
Two skeins on a niddy-noddy.

I love talking about spinning as if I know what it’s all about – that’s such a joke! I feel like I’m struggling along in a cloud of confusion and ignorance. For those of you who haven’t ever tried spinning before, here is a small glossary of terms so that you can at least understand this post!

(Bear in mind that these are my understanding of this. If you have any thoughts, let me know if I’m wrong!)

singles = one strand of spun yarn
plying = spinning singles together to create a two- or three-ply yarn
bobbin = the cylinder the wheel spins the yarn onto
niddy-noddy = equipment to allow you to skein and measure yarn.

I’ve also mentioned my singles are ‘resting’. This is where you spin the fibre into the thread, and leave it on the bobbin overnight to set the twist (or so my book reliably tells me).

Fairly regular single winding onto the bobbin!
Fairly regular single winding onto the bobbin!

I think this yarn is highly ‘energetic’ – by which I mean, overspun. It’s very bobbly and twisty. I’m proud of it, though!

Much love,

Corrie xx

PS Don’t forget to enter the March Giveaway! Ideal for spring.

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4 Responses to WIP Wednesday – Cheviot Yarn Attempt One

  1. Energetic yarn … I love that you said that.

    Totally sympathise re. the wisdom teeth. I had one pulled last year and was in pain for two weeks afterwards. And I’m waiting on having another one removed now … it currently has an abscess under it and is so sore!

    Great post :D

  2. Beth says:

    Someday I’ll learn to spin. Awesome blog title!

  3. Oh my, problems with teeth…. wish you luck!
    I love to see your photos, the yarn looks great, I can imagine you feel proud.

  4. Carolyn says:

    Ouch re the tooth :-( . I’ve never tried spinning myself… but looks like you’re having fun!

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