Excuses…and goodbye.

Once again I must make my excuses – I never finished blogging for Knitting and Crochet Blog Week, I haven’t shown you any finished objects or WIPs, and I’m afraid we must say goodbye to our daily photos of Archie.

I’ve taken a stall at our local May Fair Market this year, and am currently frantically sewing to make wares for it. I’m also in the process of setting up a new website! After a lot of consideration, I have decided to keep Plutonium Muffins as a personal knitting and spinning blog – so the new website will not detract from our content, and things here will stay pretty much the same! I’ll let you know when the other one launches, if you’re interested.

Goodbye, Archie

I am fairly devastated to have to tell you all that Archie passed away a couple of days ago. We don’t really know what happened – JS arrived in Devon for a visit lasting a few days, and one of the first things we did was wander down to the garden to see bunny. He had been ‘refusing’ to come out of his hidey-hole all day, so I extracted him with some difficulty to let JS see him…and realised immediately that something was very wrong. He was very lethargic and unresponsive, and couldn’t move around on his hind legs.

Archie of the day...
Archie of the day…

We put him in his box with loads of bedding, fresh water and food. He drank some water, and I thought that he would be OK till morning, so we left him for the night. First thing the next day I went down to check on him, and make arrangements for going to the vet. At some point in the night, the furry little floppy creature had left us.

Archie, chilling in the sun while I knit.
Archie, chilling in the sun while I knit.

Archie has been around for longer than Plutonium Muffins has, and he’s going to leave a big hole in our lives. I am so pleased that in the last month of his life he got to experience the open wide garden, and generally be happier than I have seen him in the years we have been together. I hope he’s joined Norman in bunny and piggy heaven, and the two of them are running riot up there.

Archie, sleeping soundly in the car on the way down.
Archie, sleeping soundly in the car on the way down.

Normal service at Plutonium Muffins will resume! You can look forward to a WIP tomorrow – I leave you with some of my favourite photos and videos of my dear little friend.

Much love,

Corrie xx

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3 Responses to Excuses…and goodbye.

  1. mabel says:

    im a very secret archie admirer T_T
    he was THE bunny

    hope u are bearing up alright and good luck for the may fair market

  2. Fiona says:

    Hi Corrie, lovely to come upon your blog…. I am your roundabout cousin (your Gran Jenny is my late mum’s cousin) and I am linked with your mum on f/b which is where I saw your blog…..
    will love to follow along and see what you make and get up to… I also have one and do some sewing and quilting….
    so sorry to hear about Archie, our pets become a big part of our lives… and all the best at the market….

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