The word “publish” has a very significant meaning to me – as a nine year old I can remember saying to my teacher at school, Mrs Lombard, that I wanted to ‘write books’ when I grew up. “You mean you want to be an author?” she said. This is still an ambition of mine, but that’s another story for another day.
I use the word “publish” every time I write a blog post; obviously, I click the publish button to make the magic happen. I’ve gotten a bit blase about it.

However, when I first started knitting and following patterns, I knew that this would not be enough. I would have to one day write my own. That day is now fast approaching.
Plutonium Muffins to Publish?
That’s right, my dear readers. JS and I have been working non-stop for the past few days on my first knitting pattern. This will be published as soon as we’ve managed to get it to work, and my test knitters have managed to give me feedback on it. It is a lot more complicated than I ever imagined because this pattern is going to have some mathematical wizardry going on in the background that I hope will make this a one-of-a-kind pattern that is useful to every knitter who knows how to knit and purl.
So, in addition to the challenge of actually designing something that other people would want to use, we are having to mathematically code the pattern. It’s going to be interactive.

Plutonium Muffins is also being affected by this. You may notice that certain links have disappeared, and a Shopping Cart has now appeared. My shop is empty. That’s fine, it won’t be for long – but I need to work on my website structure in preparation for this wonderful event, so I ask that you are patient with us!

The snow is what has forced us to do all of preparation for publication – it’s been in the works for a while, but when you are unable to get out of the house, you start doing the tasks you’ve been putting off for a while because you know they will be difficult.
To alleviate the boredom of this explanation, please enjoy the photos of our countryside in the snow, and our trip to the PUB.

Much love,
Corrie xx