Tag Archives: Web Announcements


The new blog has migrated. Hurrah! I love it. Anybody got any suggestions? I am mega-celebrating. I know there is a lot of stuff I’m going to have to go back and change, but for now, it’s bedtime. Much love, … Continue reading

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Big things happening at Plutonium Muffins HQ…

I spent all of this weekend resolutely not knitting — either cleaning out animal cages, cleaning the flat (I mopped the ceiling of the bathroom. That’s dedication.) or working on Plutonium Muffins. I’ve alluded to a big change that will … Continue reading

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New Project Page — and logo to come!

I hope everyone is having a good day — it is fabulously sunny in London, to follow the amazing weather of the weekend. What did you get up to this weekend? JS, Bethelred, Tobington, Tommy the Dog and me went … Continue reading

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My beautiful friend, Nads

I got a message on Facey-B the other day from a friend I grew up with in Africa. It went a little something like this. I just have to tell you that I just purchased knitting needles and wool and … Continue reading

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Welcome to the new site!

Hi all, We are still busily updating the website and preparing more blog posts with photos and exciting stuff, so hold your breath until we are done! (You won’t have to hold it that long – I anticipate having something up … Continue reading

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