Following my success with stripy socks for myself (which I have now worn twice!) I decided that Wonder-Gran needed socks. I’m also working on more yarn from the March Resolutions.
It’s a really dreary day in Kent; started out very sunny and I thought I might do my seasonal walk, and is now so dark that I’ve had to turn all the lights on. I suspect I’ll be working on the two of these all day and will hopefully be finished with them tomorrow, if not today!
Wonder-Gran’s Socks
I am using the same pattern I used for the stripy socks, as I messed up the first heel and I wanted to practice on one more pair before I got too ambitious with other patterns. The yarn is Regia 4-ply self-striping yarn in the Arabesque Marrakech colourway. They suit Wonder-Gran down to the ground, but are definitely not my style. The colours are not ‘zingy’ enough for me!

It’s her birthday on Monday, so they’ll be done and sent to Devon long before then. Hopefully.
Resolution Yarn
I’ve got a fair amount of Cheviot singles on my spinning wheel at the moment. I have one and a half bobbins full, and will hopefully spin the next half bobbin this afternoon so that I can ply tomorrow. I have got about eight rolags left in the bottom of my drum! Considering that I started out with it 100% full at the beginning of March, I feel good about myself.

I span for so long yesterday that I started getting repetitive strain symptoms – I had a very sore wrist on my drafting arm, and the pinch on the singles has caused a fair amount of rawness at the tips of my fingers. I am going to have to be careful today – although considering I have only half a bobbin to spin compared to one and a half yesterday, I’m sure I’ll be fine.

I like the thought of calling it Resolution Yarn. I think I’m going to get a fair amount of yardage on it, and I am planning to make a laptop case using the Customisable Gadget Case pattern for my laptop. JS has one – I guess I need one now as well! Would anybody like to do a KAL with me on it? I’ll do an offer on the pattern to anyone who wants to!
That’s it from me. I’m linking up with Tami and Ginny today – head on over to see more WIPs.
Much love,
Corrie xx

WOW! You’re a quick knitter. I couldn’t take on a sock deadline so tight as yours. You have a really wonderful motivation to finish, I hope things go according to plan.
Me too! Thank you <3
Love those colors. Wonder-Gran is a lucky woman!