I’ve had a really busy week this week, and managed to produce a myriad of finished objects. Unfortunately, with the Christmas Season coming (those of you who are non-crafters are groaning, I know), I can’t actually show most of them, as I’m sure that the vast majority of people who they are for read this blog! So I’ll give some historic FO’s over the next few weeks, as I’ve just got them all properly photographed.
Classic Hat
I was commissioned to make a hat for one of Suntrap‘s members, Sara. (I’m working on the website! Woo! But it is a work in progress, so excuse the look of the site at the moment). I bought some Paton’s Wool Blend Aran, which is 67% wool, in ‘charcoal’ – black with little white specks in it.

The wool was a bit coarse to work with, and I found the pattern a bit confusing. This was the hat from a “Classic Set” of hat, gloves and scarf that came from Knit Today Issue 67. However, once I got going I absolutely loved it, and it knitted up in a few hours.

The pattern specified to make it 17 cm long before the hat shaping – but the model in the photo had no brim on the hat, and I thought I would rather like one, so I knitted 20 cm before I started shaping.

My model seemed to like the hat – too bad it’s not for him!

Dragonfly Jumper
I finished the Dragonfly Jumper aaaages ago, but I never took any nice photos. JS obliged for me when we were at Bigbury-on-Sea a few weeks ago – so here they are!

What’s happened at Plutonium Muffins this week?
The Longest Scarf in the World? – What happened when I went out with Suntrap.
[Blogjacking] – Volcano Cake – I made a cake for Mr Turtle the Geologist! Recipe included.
Miner’s Hat – The birthday present I made for Mr Turtle.
Kirstie’s Vintage Home – An exclamation of love for one of the most inspirational crafters on TV.
I hope you have something nice to look forward to this weekend. I start my new job on Tuesday and I absolutely cannot wait. It’s not going to make me really rich, but that’s OK, there’s plenty of room for growth. I’m really looking forward to being able to talk to people, get my mitts on crafty stuff all day long, and just generally be a functioning member of society!
What are you looking forward to as we move towards the end of November?
Much love,
Corrie xx

Screw building a start-up, I’ll just become a model instead, much better paid!
You’re pretty enough…
N’awwwww xx
Gorgeous job! My favorite is the dragonfly jumper.
Thank you! I love it too, one of my favourite ever projects.