(Knitting) Holiday
I’m back from my summer holiday! I had an absolutely wonderful time – ten days of pure relaxed bliss. I won’t give you a full-on run-down of everything that we did, but quite a lot of crafting, and specifically knitting, happened. I also did some scrap-booking, but that’s another story.

We stayed in gorgeous, gorgeous Prussia Cove, in some old coastguards cottages overlooking the English Channel. For much of the time we were just chilling out — getting up very late and going to bed early, and visiting all the places that JS and his family have been going to for two decades.
I had fallen asleep in the car one evening on the way back to the cottages, and JS poked me as we stopped and said “Look! Yarn Shop!” I woke up quickly after that. The shop, Cornish Wools, was closed unfortunately, but I poked my head around the door and told the lady in the shop who was cleaning up that I was learning to spin. She got a bit excited and took me to see her Ashford Spinning Wheel. Then, I spotted some rather exciting implements. She agreed to reopen the till and JS bought me one.

I did a lot of knitting — I will do my first WIPW for a while on Wednesday, and you’ll get to see a rather depressing video that JS took of me frogging. Any knitter will definitely feel my pain! More on this on Wednesday!

Holiday Snaps
Here are a few holiday photos for you. They aren’t fab – JS took a lot of awesome photos, especially of a double rainbow the day we arrived – I will try persuade him that he would like me to publish them for him, but we are both a bit possessive of our photos and he may not want it to be. Watch this space!

I have a lot of other knitting things to tell you — yarn shop reviews, a WIP and some revelations about my knitting habits and aspirations, but they’ll all be done in other blogs as it is now 10:30 PM and I only got home last night at midnight. I’m tired!
I was sad to see that nobody else has entered the Disney Giveaway! I have decided to extend it to the 31st of August, as I have another giveaway for next month (!!!) and it makes more sense to do it that way around. Please, please spread the word, it would be great to get some responses from people as sometimes I feel like I’m talking to a brick-wall!
Much love,
Corrie xx