Tag Archives: Disney giveaway

[Disney Giveaway] And the winner is….!

I am here to announce the winner of the Disney Giveaway that I ran in July. As a recap, the item to be given to the lucky person was “Disney Knits” by Melinda Coss and Debby Robinson. My favourite pattern in … Continue reading

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Holiday in Cornwall, and some knitting

(Knitting) Holiday I’m back from my summer holiday! I had an absolutely wonderful time – ten days of pure relaxed bliss. I won’t give you a full-on run-down of everything that we did, but quite a lot of crafting, and specifically … Continue reading

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Summer Holiday

I’m off on holiday with JS and a bag full of knitting. Hopefully I will have many many FOs to show off upon my return. I will be back on the 13th of August. While you’re missing me, why don’t … Continue reading

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Spinning progress! And, the Olympics…

Spinning has seen some progress in the last few days, with the fleeces washed (to some degree), and some spinning equipment sourced. First, though… Olympics I know that everyone is talking about the Olympics, so I’m going to join in. … Continue reading

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