Tag Archives: Hulu Crafts

Dragon Yarn – all spun and ready to ply

I’m thrilled to say I’ve spun the singles of the Dragon Yarn and it’s ready for my first attempt at Navajo Plying! This is a bit of a new project which has been on Instagram and Twitter before, but I … Continue reading

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Episode Five: Kunaya

Episode Five of the Plutonium Muffins Podcast kicks off with some talk about knitting, followed by excellent progress on the spinning side of things. We move on to mine and Shatki’s resolutions, all rounded off with a chat to Vicky … Continue reading

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Secret Stash

I’m going to be coming down to Devon a lot in the future, and I decided I needed a stash down here…it shall be my secret stash, and I shall call it squishy. Being local, I had to stash local … Continue reading

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Unravel 2014

If you follow me on Twitter, you will know all about my excitement for Unravel at Farnham Maltings. Well, the festival was this weekend! I went along with one of the girls from Knit Night at Loop; we got the … Continue reading

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WIP Wednesday – Riverton Cowl

I’m sitting in ‘my’ new bedroom, gazing at my suitcases and bags of clothes that have yet to be unpacked, knitting the Riverton Cowl and listening to “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” on Audible. So, I’ve arrived … Continue reading

Posted in Knitting, Life, Spinning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments