Tag Archives: Erquy

June 2014 Resolutions and May Round-Up

Wowee, May just flew past and I can’t believe it’s time for June Resolutions already! I posted just three blog-posts in May. I can barely remember the last time I was so quiet! « Previous Two at a time socks   … Continue reading

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Erquy is finished!

I’m back from South Africa with Erquy off the needles, a minor tan, and a healthy respect for anyone in the hospitality industry. Sure, I work in tourism, but I’ve never been directly involved in booking and managing hotel rooms, … Continue reading

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Plutonium Muffins in Cape Town

I’m actually writing this from Durban, where I have just arrived after four days in Cape Town. The trip to South Africa is for work – I am attending two travel shows, and have very little time in between for … Continue reading

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April Resolutions are here!

It’s the time of the year again – the beginning of a new month and time to set my resolutions for April 2014. Before I start on that though, I thought I would look back at last year and how … Continue reading

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Mid-March Resolutions progress report!

So, it’s been a week since I last posted, and you only get a progress report for my March Resolutions. Isn’t that boring? Not really – I’ve been in Berlin for work, and got back to stacks of admin to … Continue reading

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Happy Anniversary, (March) Resolutions!

The Monthly Resolutions have now officially been running for a year! Happy March, everyone… You can read the first post here, and find out more about the group on Ravelry here! March 2014 Resolutions I am going to take it … Continue reading

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Here comes February…

I can’t believe it is February already. Well, OK, it’s not yet…I still have some hours of January left, but I intend to spend them and the first few days of Feb rearranging things in our house and knitting, so….! Before … Continue reading

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Progress on projects

When you’re knitting big projects and you run a blog, you have a choice to make – work on the projects, or spend time blogging. As I’m sure you can tell from my silence over the last week, I’ve made … Continue reading

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Resolutions Update – January 2014

I’m a bit late for my resolutions update, having missed the middle of the month, but I’m not going to let that stop me! Before I proceed, I will let you all know that I spent the weekend at home … Continue reading

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Erquy…or, never knit without stitch-markers

I have been working full-steam ahead on Erquy for the last week, with not much progress on anything else (although I did knit a quick hat which I will show off on Friday). It’s also the middle of the month, … Continue reading

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