Tag Archives: Socks

Pixie Slipper Boots from the Wool Shop Leeds

Last week I finished the pixie slipper boots, the first knitting project I’ve completed for myself in, wait for it….well over a year. Every year for the last few I’ve made the resolution “make more stuff for myself”, and every … Continue reading

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Pisa Socks – A (finally) finished object!

Today we are talking about….Pisa and socks! I have a huge blog post about my adventures at Wonderwool Wales to go up, but I’m keeping that to myself for now. Have you ever discovered that by making something public, it … Continue reading

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January 2016 FOs: accessorise to the max!

Following on from Wednesday’s post, here is a January 2016 FOs one! I feel like I’ve been really productive this month – whether or not this is actually the case, I’m not sure. At least I have a lot of … Continue reading

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Those Ridiculous Welly Socks

I’ve been talking about ridiculous welly socks for a while, and it is time to unveil them! I was particularly unprepared for Christmas this year, and wondering what to make for everyone. When my dad suddenly said he wanted some … Continue reading

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Hope Socks

I’ve finished a pair of socks! I had such high hopes for these…I started them in April and was determined that they would be finished by the end of May…and then the end of June…and then they flew 30,000 miles with … Continue reading

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Colour Theory in Practice

The Muse Connection Volume 1 involved a talk on Colour Theory, given by Helen Stewart of Curious Handmade. I made a few notes and have had a chance to think about it since. What I’ve realised over the past few … Continue reading

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Spring Shawl and Socks

As spring gets warmer and things get more summery in London, I find myself wanting to knit really woolly and wintery items. I know this is the complete opposite to most people – there’s no working out my own brain, … Continue reading

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[GIVEAWAY] John Arbon Goodies CLOSED

If you’ve been following the blog for any amount of time, you’ll know that I love John Arbon Textiles. I did a nice big feature on them on the blog in January, I knitted the Icon Dress in Knit by Numbers yarn, … Continue reading

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The Angel Socks

I have finished my March socks, called the Angel socks as I got the yarn from SugarAngel on Ravelry as part of a Secret Santa swap! I cast these on March 1st, and they were my ‘go-to’ project at Edinburgh … Continue reading

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I’ve got a Monkey on my feet

The Monkey Socks were cast on on September the 25th last year, and I have finally finished them! I just do not know what took me so long – I managed to crack them out in no time. Monkey, ooh … Continue reading

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