Tag Archives: Australia

January 2016 Monthly Resolutions Update

I’m ready to review my January 2016 resolutions. I’m trying to be very organised this month, and I don’t know how well it’s going – I should probably be reviewing these every week, but there’s just too much work to do! … Continue reading

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Podcast Episode 17: Matsutso

Welcome to Episode 17 of the Plutonium Muffins podcast! I chat about my current works in progress, finishes, future projects, goings on in the world of Monthly Resolutions, as well as the sheep that are now at the farm! Listen … Continue reading

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Hope Socks

I’ve finished a pair of socks! I had such high hopes for these…I started them in April and was determined that they would be finished by the end of May…and then the end of June…and then they flew 30,000 miles with … Continue reading

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Podcast Episode 16: Zhizha

It has been the longest time since a Plutonium Muffins Podcast came out, so Episode 16 is all about what I have been up to over the last few months! There is chatter about Australia, New Zealand, Towersey Village Festival … Continue reading

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Brisbane Suitcase Sale

I know you’re wondering why I’m excited about a suitcase sale…this is nothing like a sale for luggage, but something altogether more exciting! On our first day in Brisbane, John and I caught the City Cat into the town centre. … Continue reading

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Cross Stitch Haul

You’ve seen my fibre haul – now for the cross stitch I bought while in the Southern Hemisphere! The photos for this post are neither beautiful nor well put together. I’ve been using the “X-Stitch” app on my iPad and … Continue reading

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Cross Stitch Finished Projects

Cross Stitch. I’m majorly into cross stitch again. This trend did not start in Australia, but just before – and it has become a bit of a competitor to knitting! I always find that I tend more to cross stitch … Continue reading

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A Finished Object Bonanza – Knitting

I’ve had a chance to sit down and look at what finished objects actually made it out of my hands while I was in Australia and New Zealand. I’m super pleased with my productivity while I was away, and although I … Continue reading

Posted in FOs, Knitting, Regular Features | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 14 Comments

Back from the Land Down Under

I come from a Land Down Under! We got back on Monday, and appear to have missed the British summer… Although it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere, I had a fantastic time meeting up with old friends, making some new friends, … Continue reading

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Normal Service (and the winner)

I’ve had such a crazy few weeks with preparations for a craft fair, but things are back to normal now that it is June. I will sort out my Resolutions for last month and the coming month tomorrow – for … Continue reading

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