Tag Archives: WIPs

The mother of all WIPs – craft room time!

The mother of all WIPs is life in Bristol, which as you can imagine, has been busy! With this post I am kick-starting Plutonium Muffins into action ready for Christmas crafting and beyond. I’ve now been at my job for … Continue reading

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January 2016 WIPs – a lot of cross stitch!

Today I’m here to show you my January 2016 WIPs! This will largely focus on cross stitch, as my knitting WIPs have either ‘converted’ to FOs recently, or are in a state in which I can’t actually take a photograph of them! … Continue reading

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Back from the Land Down Under

I come from a Land Down Under! We got back on Monday, and appear to have missed the British summer… Although it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere, I had a fantastic time meeting up with old friends, making some new friends, … Continue reading

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The Ravellenic Games

Two of my February Resolutions are projects that I am going to be using in the Ravellenic Games. If you don’t know what the Ravellenic Games are, basically, you enter projects that you knit over the period of an Olympic … Continue reading

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The Craft Corner…again!

This post about my lovely craft corner started out as an addition to yesterday’s blabbering on about Hobbycraft. When I realised I’d written 1,000 words, I decided to edit it down! Craft Corner Toys…and wishlist! The other day, Turtle gave … Continue reading

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Organising my stash

My depression has been rather bad recently, and reached a peak last night with a big panic attack that had lead to me feeling drained and pathetic. I’m not looking for sympathy, this is merely back-story to THE PERFECT EXCUSE … Continue reading

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