Tag Archives: Luxury Gloves

Luxury Gloves – hurrah!

One of my July Resolutions was to finish knitting my Luxury Gloves, and when I took them to knitting at Hulu on Wednesday, I am extremely pleased to say that I finished them! I’m heading out to London this afternoon to … Continue reading

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Happy July! Resolutions and recap.

Once again, it is the start of a new month, so the start of new resolutions. As I only had one resolution in June, I didn’t do a recap in the middle of it. This is partly because I totally … Continue reading

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The Craft Corner…again!

This post about my lovely craft corner started out as an addition to yesterday’s blabbering on about Hobbycraft. When I realised I’d written 1,000 words, I decided to edit it down! Craft Corner Toys…and wishlist! The other day, Turtle gave … Continue reading

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WIP Wednesday – Luxury Gloves

I’m engaging in the activity of WIP Whipping at the moment – following my clear-out of the WIP basket this weekend, and the discovery of several hibernating projects. I’ve already finished a couple (I know!) and today I’m working on the … Continue reading

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