Tag Archives: Bristol

Frozen Sunday and the tiniest amount of knitting

The “Beast from the East: Mach 2” hit the UK this weekend and everything got literally frozen. For those of you who don’t live here and are under the illusion that the picturesque postcard image you have in your head … Continue reading

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Craftisan – John’s favourite ever craft shop

When we moved to Bristol I posted a long post about moving, and promised I would tell you all about Craftisan, our local craft shop. It’s taken me so long to do so that I’ve been able to go back and … Continue reading

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The mother of all WIPs – craft room time!

The mother of all WIPs is life in Bristol, which as you can imagine, has been busy! With this post I am kick-starting Plutonium Muffins into action ready for Christmas crafting and beyond. I’ve now been at my job for … Continue reading

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August 2016 Resolutions – this won’t be a monthly thing!

It can’t possibly be mid-August already! How the heck did that happen?? I couldn’t believe it when I checked the last time I had blogged, and saw it was the 7th of July. The month has been so busy. It’s … Continue reading

Posted in Blog, Cross Stitch, Knitting, Resolutions, Spinning | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

I’ve moved to…Bristol!

It’s time for the next Plutonium Muffins update…we’ve moved to Bristol! I started a new job on the 10th of June, and while it’s going well so far, I am absolutely shattered! It’s been a while since I’ve worked full … Continue reading

Posted in Cross Stitch, Knitting, News | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Spin all the things!

I have taken the time while I’ve been on knit-rest to do some sorting out, and am now starting to spin all the things! I’ve been doing a lot of YouTube videos rather than blog posts recently has been because even … Continue reading

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