Tag Archives: Fleece

Lining the Tetris Scarf

I can’t believe it has been two years since I finished the Tetris Scarf that I knitted for John. He told me he wanted a new scarf, we had a look on Ravelry, and before I knew it, I was … Continue reading

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[COMPETITION] Sheep, sheep, sheep

The sheep are here! If you read last week’s blogpost on Greyface Dartmoors, you’ll know what I’m talking about…but not exactly. I was away from the farm last week, doing things in London, and while I was there my parents … Continue reading

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More accomplishments by other people…

That’s right, I have no knitting accomplishments to show you – you saw my socks on Wednesday, and today I have some significant progress on Garland to report, but nothing to see as I want to save it to the … Continue reading

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Campaign for Wool

I was hoping to finish the Dragonfly Jumper this week, but it is currently sitting upstairs in my room while I get all excited about the Campaign for Wool. I feel like this may be a slightly strange thing for … Continue reading

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Sorting through Cheviot Fleece

When I ordered my spinning wheel, the lady who sold it to me sent me three fleeces, one of which was from a Cheviot sheep in her own flock. I’ve finally given up on spinning my Mudchute Farm fleece, from … Continue reading

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How not to dye fleece.

I’m learning to spin, as you should all know by now. Before I show you my first yarn, I wanted to demonstrate how not to dye fleece – I tried it yesterday, and it completely failed. I know this is … Continue reading

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Time to Spin!

It’s been a while — I’ve just moved house and am now commuting four hours a day, as well as trying to organise all of our (huge amount) of stuff. Eek. I’m so sorry for not having written for a … Continue reading

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