Tag Archives: fibre

Wonderwool Wales Part Two – a major purchase

I had a hidden agenda while we were at Wonderwool Wales this year, and it ended with a major purchase. For years I’ve been lusting after a more portable spinning wheel than my Ashford Traditional. Every year I try out … Continue reading

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Walking through a Woolly Wonderwool

Last weekend I visited Wonderwool Wales with two of my favourite people. Although John didn’t actually come in to the show with me, he provided valuable moral support from the cafes of Builth Wells, in the form of encouragement and … Continue reading

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A tip or ten for Wonderwool Wales

It’s craft show tip time! It’s been almost two years since I last went to a craft show, and I’m beyond excited to be heading to Wonderwool Wales tomorrow. Because of living in relative isolation in Devon from September 2015, … Continue reading

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Spin all the things!

I have taken the time while I’ve been on knit-rest to do some sorting out, and am now starting to spin all the things! I’ve been doing a lot of YouTube videos rather than blog posts recently has been because even … Continue reading

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Blazing Rainbows – spinning fibre!

I’m super thrilled to have just managed to list some of my favourite fibre on Etsy – blazing rainbows! I’ve had this for a little while and have been spinning up a sample, but there are Things happening with my … Continue reading

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[COMPETITION] Sheep, sheep, sheep

The sheep are here! If you read last week’s blogpost on Greyface Dartmoors, you’ll know what I’m talking about…but not exactly. I was away from the farm last week, doing things in London, and while I was there my parents … Continue reading

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Dandelion Yarn

I know, things have (again) been quiet around here – I’ve been making, among other things, Dandelion Yarn! I’ll explain in a moment, but in the meantime here’s a little update on where I will be in the next couple … Continue reading

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Studio! The Swallow Barn

I’m in Devon…and I have a studio!! In case you missed the news, I have moved down to South Dartmoor to live with my parents for a month or so while we get things in London figured out (more here). … Continue reading

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Plutonium Muffins at Towersey

Long-time readers of the blog will know about Towersey, a folk festival I’ve been going to for years. Located in Oxfordshire, this wonderful festival started in 1965, and each year gets bigger and better. I have always loved the vendors … Continue reading

Posted in Cross Stitch, Spinning | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments


It’s time to announce the Spin City UK giveaway that I’ve been sitting on for a couple of months! When I helped out on the Spin City UK stand at iKnit Fandango, I came away with some goodies for myself … Continue reading

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