Tag Archives: Review

Craftisan – John’s favourite ever craft shop

When we moved to Bristol I posted a long post about moving, and promised I would tell you all about Craftisan, our local craft shop. It’s taken me so long to do so that I’ve been able to go back and … Continue reading

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Biscotte & Cie Yarn – Review

Biscotte & Cie, a Canadian yarn company, sent me some yarn for review, and I am finally going to finish that! It has taken me a very long time to get this out there, because first off, it took me ages … Continue reading

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Local Yarn Shops: The Bluestocking Wool Shop

Yesterday I went to the Bluestocking Wool Shop, a brand new local yarn shop that opened in Stroud in December! We are staying in a cottage in Slad to celebrate some Big Birthdays, the start of 2016, and a 35th wedding … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday!

I am posting this Birthday post a few days late – we had some server problems, which hopefully not too many of you noticed, and Plutonium Muffins was down on the day itself! I did a quick search for “Birthday … Continue reading

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Local Yarn(?) Shops: the Handweavers Studio

Lucky enough to live a few hundred metres away from the Handweavers Studio, I have never got round to actually reviewing it. Well, my friends, that has all changed! I went in a few weeks ago and spent a good … Continue reading

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Local Yarn Shops: Liberty

Today I’d like to talk about Liberty London, which I visited with Melanie a couple of weeks ago! I’m supposed to have been recording the podcast today, but the microphone has had issues (as in, it’s gone AWOL) and I will … Continue reading

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Local Yarn Shops: Sew In of Buxton

I visited “Sew In” this weekend, a sewing and knitting shop in Buxton, which had a lovely yarn section in it. I ended up drooling over all the gorgeous yarns that they stock, and buying a few bits for some … Continue reading

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Pattern Review – Tetris Scarf

I cast on the Tetris Scarf this weekend – if you remember from my November Resolutions, my darling JS has decided that I must make a scarf for him, and we picked out a tetris one because he is a … Continue reading

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[Review] – The Amazings online

Have you heard of the Amazings? They are a London-based organisation with a mission of facilitating the passing of wisdom and experience from crafting ‘elders’ (read “the over 50’s”). If you have never heard of them, go to their website … Continue reading

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[Blogjacking] – “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”

Today is Wednesday, and regular readers of Plutonium Muffins (PM) and Tami’s Amis will know that usually I would do a WIP Wednesday – instead, I am going to review “The Perks of Being a Wallflower“. I actually have a … Continue reading

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