Tag Archives: Harry Potter

Whoooo am I? A cardigan!

Before I start talking about my new cardigan project (and this blog post ended up being a monster, I really do miss writing), let’s address the fact that it’s been two months since I last posted with a little photo. … Continue reading

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Blazing Rainbows – spinning fibre!

I’m super thrilled to have just managed to list some of my favourite fibre on Etsy – blazing rainbows! I’ve had this for a little while and have been spinning up a sample, but there are Things happening with my … Continue reading

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Felt, Weaving, Harry Potter

I’ve been playing with felt this week! With a couple of other projects on the go, as well as preparation for Australia, my brother moving house and birthdays to plan for, I’ve been ridiculously busy. I don’t anticipate this state of … Continue reading

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[BLOGJACKING] Harry Potter

If I were to talk about my new, Harry Potter project, Plutonium Muffins would soon be over-run with talk of the World’s Favourite Wizard. Instead, you’ll be pleased to know that in a joint project with one of my dearest … Continue reading

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Harry Potter Sock Saturday

If you don’t know yet, I’m one of the biggest Harry Potter nerds to walk the streets of North London circa 2007. I’ve been doing some pattern searching on Ravelry, as I’m supposed to be knitting 12 pairs of socks … Continue reading

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Episode Six: Pamwe

Episode Six: Pamwe of the Plutonium Muffins Podcast is co-hosted by the now infamous Melanie! We talk about our current projects both knitting and spinning, recently finished items, give an extensive review of the Fleece and Fiber Sourcebook, recap on … Continue reading

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Completed Weasley Sweater!

I am incredibly pleased to Announce that I have completed the Weasley Sweater! I was seriously worried that I would not be able to work on it for months after the little RSI episode – but I am pleased to … Continue reading

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I am still making my Christmas presents, so today I thought I would do a round-up of my favourite bauble patterns on Ravelry. I haven’t actually made any of these…yet! We are having Christmas decorating in our flat this weekend … Continue reading

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Resolutions Update…and we are going geek chic.

I woke up this morning convinced it was Wednesday, and feeling a bit dull because I only have my baby blanket to show you…then I remembered it’s mid-July and I can do a resolutions update, which made me feel a bit better! … Continue reading

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Mid-March Milestones (and an FO)

I promised a report on milestones a while back when I started my March Resolutions that I would give an update on the 14th. Well, today is the 15th and the only thing I can say is that I’ve had … Continue reading

Posted in FOs, Knitting, Resolutions, Spinning | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments