Tag Archives: FO

Fuss Free Baby Boom – a cardigan and some booties

The baby boom is (almost) over! The last one of my friends to leave work on maternity leave has gone, and with her all my requirements for baby knitting. I haven’t blogged about this for a little while because I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in Blog, FOs, Knitting, Year of Giveaways | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Leopard’s Gaze – a finished object [Giveaway]

The last time I blogged about Leopard’s Gaze was over a year ago, in September 2016. There was a reason for this – and it’s not that I wasn’t working on it! The project was destined as a birthday present … Continue reading

Posted in Cross Stitch, FOs | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Election Shawl – the finished pictures!

I last blogged about the Election Shawl in September – I started it in May last year, and finished it in November 2015, but for some reason it managed to escape the list of projects to talk about! So here … Continue reading

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Spanish Dress for Baby Cara

One of my favourite Christmas projects this year was the Spanish Dress by Debbie Bliss, a beautiful cotton dress that incorporates a bit of knitting, a bit of sewing, and a lot of cute factor! When I was shopping in … Continue reading

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Dragonfly Cross Stitch

You haven’t seen my dragonfly yet because I was trying to stick with the knitting and spinning theme, but I’m super proud of this one and can’t resist showing it off! The kit was one of the DMC 2015 Collection, and … Continue reading

Posted in Blog, Cross Stitch, FOs | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Solomon’s Temple completed

Remember when Solomon’s Temple was visited by myself and John in the midst of a thunderstorm? No? You can read all about that here. I am extremely happy to say I have finished knitting a pair of socks using the … Continue reading

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Space Invader Mitts!

I thought that I ought to write up a blog about the Space Invader Mitts, as I have not mentioned them once, and they are probably the project I liked the most last year! I made these for JS, as … Continue reading

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FO – Cadence Socks for Wonder-Mum

I’m long overdue a blog-post about the Cadence Socks I knitted for Wonder-Mum! The last post about this was on her actual birthday – I promised a big reveal the next day, then life got in the way a bit, … Continue reading

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FO Friday – Riverton Cowl

Once again I start another post with the weather – it’s an awfully grey and nasty day in Devon and I’m wearing my completed Riverton Cowl with pride! I finished it yesterday and blocked it this morning. It took a … Continue reading

Posted in FOs, Knitting | Tagged , , , , , , | 10 Comments

FO Friday (2) – Baby Hat for T

I posted a WIP Wednesday a good long time ago about a baby hat that I made for one of JS‘ colleagues baby’s. I finished it really soon after I posted the WIPW, but I really wanted to make sure … Continue reading

Posted in FOs, Knitting | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 18 Comments