Tag Archives: Rabbit

Photography and knitting patterns

I’ve been trying to learn about photography, looking for knitting patterns and abusing my sewing machine, which is going to need a holiday. As a result, I haven’t actually knitted a single stitch for about a week, and I’m starting … Continue reading

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WIP Wednesday – Patchwork Blanket

When I started knitting seriously, I started making squares – one after the other after another, and when Wonder-Gran heard about this she decided I ought to make a Patchwork Blanket. The darling lady sat in her lounge for many … Continue reading

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The BDCH KAL as of yesterday

I took this photo yesterday, with my progress on the BDCH blanket. I have managed to knit a couple more blue squares, but no real progress, compared to @gingerbreadbun, who is finished all the knitting! How amazing is that?! The … Continue reading

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Archie has a cold

Our rabbit has a cold. You know how I know? He did this on Friday night after I got home from work and started knitting. I’m still working on my daisies, got quite a nice amount building up, hope to … Continue reading

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I knitted a bunny called Frank! I’m writing this on my iPad because, although I am much less busy at work now, I also have less time because I’m dealing with all the things I’ve been putting off since things … Continue reading

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Cute or Evil Bunny…

I’m in the process of re-making a bobble bunny which I promised a friend, Les, way back in October (sorry, sorry, sorry). I did make all of the required items – but I decided I hated them, and I never … Continue reading

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Happy Valentines Day!

I’ve never really had a very romantic Valentines Day, and I’ve never really put much effort into it either. This year, however, JS and I started talking about it three weeks ago, which made me feel like it was a … Continue reading

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Turning over a new leaf

  JS and I decided to turn over a new leaf last week, and spent the whole weekend cleaning the flat from top-to-bottom. There are still a few bits and pieces that need sorting — I’m in the middle of … Continue reading

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